Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Break!!

I am so so so so happy school is out! And I am so so so so so so happy that I passed all my classes!! Whoo hoo! Thank you Jesus! Seriously, I just knew I was going to fail physiology, so when I pulled up my grades and saw that I did way better than I gave myself credit for, I just about cried. It was surely a tough semester. Getting engaged, coordinating our Christmas program at church(which turned out really neat I think!), getting SICK! Ugh! It's over though for a few weeks, and now I get to start making wedding invitations= ) Merry Christmas Ya'll!!!


Sonia said...

Megan you did an awesome job with Christmas Cheer! It was by far the best Christmas thingy our church has done- no joke. Love ya and can't wait til the BIG day!!!!!

Kendrea Farias Neufeld said...

You did do a GREAT JOG Megan, loved your skit!!! And I also cannot wait for the humango day! Jeff can though as you know ha ha

Rustyn and Lisa Sorah said...

UPDATE your page lady!